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Changes to Studio Schedule Offerings:

*Public group yoga classes in the studio space will only be held during the 6am time slot in order to make space and time for other exciting offers including private and private plus yoga workshops & classes as well as spiritual direction sessions.
*If you are a current class pack holder, your unused classes are still valid.  If you cannot make it to the 6am classes and want to use your class credits, simply email me at to set up a time for your class. You get to pick what type of class you would like!
*Classes will be faith based in nature.  What exactly does that mean? It will be different depending on the day, but it could mean that there will be worship music played for savasana, a scripture reading before class, or a time of silence at the end of the class for silent prayer. This will NOT affect the asana (physical postures).  So a power yoga class should still kick your butt while blessing your soul!   
*If you have an old class pack, and do not feel comfortable with a faith-based format, please email me at for a refund on unused classes.

Studio Schedule:

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